IT Officer

For almost all OUs at Graz University of Technology there are IT officers ("EDV-Beauftragte"). These persons are responsible for contact with ZID and have special rights in TUGRAZonline (see below).

In general, in case of IT problems you should contact the IT officers of your OU, who then - if they cannot help - contact the responsible persons at ZID (the IT support); IT officers should therefore have more than just basic knowledge in the field of IT and network technology!
If such suitable persons are not available at an OU, then one should look for a solution either with the faculty or ZID!

The email distribution list of the IT officers is therefore also not a general information list, more than just basic, sometimes even detailed knowledge is required!

How do I find out who the IT officers are?

To find out who the IT officers are for an OU, please open TUGRAZonline. Then select the OU in the navigation tree by mouse click. In this example, FacultiesArchitectureInstitutesUrbanism.
Now a new content opens in the main window with the name of the OU as title (so in the example 1450 Institute for Urbanism).
Select Roles and you will get a list of persons sorted by departmental functions, in which you should also find the IT officers ("EDV-Beauftragte*r") of this OU:



There are no IT officers registered or my IT officer are prevented for a longer period of time, what should I do??

The IT support of ZID will be available to advise and help you.


What are the rights and duties of the IT officers?

The IT officers are the first contact persons for IT problems of members of their OU and the contact persons to the ZID; they are informed by the ZID about current threats or changes and then have to pass on this information (if it is relevant for their own OU) to their own users - they have some special rights in TUGRAZonline for this purpose.

The current list of these rights can be found in TUGRAZonline under "Roles" in the section "role/application".

Extract from the rights:

IP-Addresses and Host Names
The IT officers are allowed to edit hostnames
Mail Routing
IT officers may create, modify, and delete mail routing entries (i. e., manage email addresses) for OU mail domains.
Software Server Password
The IT officers are allowed to set the password for the account on the software server

It is then part of the duties of the IT officers to perform these functions and keep all entries current.


What are the responsibilities of IT officers?

Due to the special rights of the IT officers, they should be aware of the (data protection) responsibility and use these rights only in accordance with legal regulations, software license rights, the data protection guidelines and usage regulations and other guidelines of TU Graz.


How are IT officers trained?

Please read the information on the websites of the ZID and use the internal training of the TU Graz. You will receive further training if required and after consultation with the ZID.


Further Information

Please read the "Handbook for IT Officers".