Apply for an Account

If you need an account at Graz University of Technology, but are not a member of Graz University of Technology and therefore do not have an account in TUGRAZonline, then open the page and select the item "Register" or "Account Registration":

Now start the self-registration:

Fill in all fields marked with an asterisk. Only PDF is accepted for uploading a copy of an official photo ID.

The username consists of lowercase letters and numbers only and must start with a lowercase letter.
Please also note that the password must be at least 10 characters long, contain at least 3 letters, 1 digit and 1 special character and that certain standard phrases (e.g. 1234) are not accepted.

To speed up the processing, please indicate your contact person at TU Graz and the project title or similar:

If this error message is displayed after pressing "Register"

then contact data of you already exist in our user database and manual matching is necessary.
In this case, cancel the self-registration and send us the following data by email to first name, last name, date of birth, the desired username and a copy of an official photo ID.
A member of our staff will contact you once the account has been successfully set up.

You will be informed that you should check your mailbox:

You will receive an email through which you must verify your email address by clicking on the link:

Subject: TU Graz E-Mail-Verifizierung - TU Graz e-mail verification

          - English Version - - English Version - - English Version -

Hello …,

You have registered for the service portal of Graz University of Technology.
In order for you to be able to use your account, you will need to verify that this is your email address by clicking on the following link:…

The following registration process will take 1 business day.

Kind regards,

Graz University of Technology

After clicking you will be shown the verification:

After verification of your data by IT support staff, you will receive another email confirming that the registration is completed:

Subject: TU Graz E-Mail-Adresse verifiziert - TU Graz e-mail-address verified

          - English Version - - English Version - - English Version -

Hello …,

You have registered for the service portal of University of Technology Graz.
The e-mail verification succeeded and your request has been forwarded.

Kind regards,

Graz University of Technology

Once the account is set up, you will receive another email:

Subject: Ihr TU Graz Account ist eingerichtet - Your TU Graz account is ready

          - English Version - - English Version - - English Version -

Hello …,

Thank you for joining our service portal.

We would like to confirm that your account was created successfully, and you can now start to apply for our services via

If you have any issues logging into your account, reach out to us via

Kind regards,

Graz University of Technology

Now you can log in to

and apply for the services you need via
Employees of rentals should register with their rental under the item "Services for staff of firms on Campus" so that services that are activated for this rental are usable.

For most services at TU Graz you will then need a 2nd factor for login.