Filtered Attachments

Attachments with the file extensions resp. MIME type bas, bat, chm, cmd, com, dll, doc, docb, docm, dotm, exe, hta, html, img, inf, jar, js, jse, lnk, msi, one, pif, ps1, reg, rtf, scf, scr, shtml, vb, vbe, vbs, ws, wsf, wsh, xll, xls, xlsb, xlsm, xltm and zip are replaced with this corresponding message. Depending on the email client, this message will then be displayed to you directly or you will have to open the text attachment.
Since this is relatively often overlooked or discovered too late, the text [ATTACHMENT REMOVED] is inserted in the subject of the email.

Such data is also detected in other files, for example a xls file embedded in a docx file.

Internal senders are also informed of this by email, external senders have to be informed by the recipient that they have to transmit the attachment by other means (see below).

Instead of outdated doc/xls you can use docx/xlsx, and we recommend to use 7-Zip instead of zip.

If this is not possible, you can send us the data by other means: